Sunday 27 April 2014

Fear is the Root of Your Problems | TheQuotes.Net - Motivational Quotes

Fear is the Root of Your Problems | TheQuotes.Net - Motivational Quotes

  • Procrastination: you probably fear failure, or the
    discomfort of doing something hard, or your fear missing out on
    something important (why you check email & social media instead of
    doing the hard task).
  • Debt: There are many
    possible causes, but often you’re spending more than you make because of
    a shopping habit, or a fear of letting go of some of the comforts
    you’re used to. The shopping habit might be caused by anxiety (fear that
    something you want isn’t going to happen) or loneliness (fear that
    you’re not good enough) or wanting your life to be better than it is
    (fear that you’re not OK as you are). Letting go of comforts (like your
    morning Starbucks, or your nice house or car) can be difficult if you
    fear discomfort, fear that you won’t be OK if your life is less
    comfortable, fear that others will judge you if your house/car/clothes
    aren’t as nice.

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